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Re: Al-Qaida may have nuclear weapons
Howard, I do not even know why i am going to reply to this and I
have to agree with our foreign friends here. This article was
written for the sake of taking up space and to spin stories for
US Public consumption. It's not factual at all. Now to your
points....Anthrax yes is nasty, but Saddam was and is not the
only one with it, matter of fact we are the biggest manufacture
of this agent as weaponized. The VX issue? Our stockpiles of
chemical and nerve agents here in the States make what was dumped
in the Euphrates look silly and we have leaching problems here as
well. Yes Saddam proved that he would use weapons like these.
While we sat by and not only watched but made sure he had more
weapon systems. By the way, the same can be said for our use of
the Bomb on Japan. So if we are going to use WMDs to save the
lives of our troops, well we set the standard didn't we? Plainly
WE screwed up here the order of battle was taken out of order for
a political theology. That has not helped us on TWOT or with our
foreign allies which we do need and as Iraq has proven. Are we
any safer than we were? NO not at all.
Nuclear? North Korea, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and a few
others who have them, want them or are researching them need to
be dealt with while we cannot do away with Treaties such as the
NPT so we can build Star Wars and low yeild nuclears weapons. The
same goes for the smuggling of fissile materials and technology.
Again we set the standard.
We need to be doing much better here and we are not. Sorry for
going off subject....... Gerry
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 17:26:05 -0800, "Howard Long" wrote:
Franz and other Wishful Thinkers,
What do think happened to the 10,000 liters of
anthrax spores (enough to wipe out most of humanity) confirmed by
spiderhole for it would not even need the ventilation Saddam had.
In a vast
desert, It might never be found, but I will worry until its found.
Was all of the VX dumped in the Euphrates (where
some was found during the advance to Baghdad)? Was part of it,
also, buried or
conveyed to Al Quida to accomplish mutual objectives?
More pertinent to this list, did Saddam
again manage to rebuild a rapid nuclear program, with scientists
afraid of asassination and family torture? The one in '94 was
only by his son-in- law (after UN declared him clean).
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on
Howard Long
Original Message -----
Franz Schoenhofer
To: Charly Frey ; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 1:20
Subject: AW: Al-Qaida may have nuclear
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----Von: Charly Frey
[mailto:cfrey@ssi-group.net]Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Februar
21:52An: Franz Schoenhofer;
Re: Al-Qaida may have nuclear weapons
the future will
We know already now - even your president and your
secretary of defense has affirmed it, not to talk about Mr.
Kay recently or
the inspectors of the IAEA before the Iraq war - that the
stories about
Iraqs weapons of mass destruction were not in conformity with
reality. So
there is not the slightest doubt now and we need not wait for
the future to
show. The message you distributed is far less
I do not critizise that you forwarded this message, I
critizise, that something like that can be distributed by
some obscure paper
and it makes its way into the world massmedia, probably
scaring a lot
of people.
Best regards,
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