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RE: Knee jerk retaliation
Zack misrepresents the statements in the proposed HJR 107-63 and in my post recommending a similar congressional resolution in the event of another WMD terrorist attack.
In demonstrating a classic school playground response of name-calling, Zack also, without substantiation, accuses the U.S. government of being morally corrupt and making knee jerk reactions. As Michael Stabin noted, such political discussions not about nuclear materials are not appropriate for this list.
Rick Strickert
Austin, TX
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
[mailto:owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu]On Behalf Of Zack Clayton
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:30 AM
To: radsafe
Subject: RE: Knee jerk retaliation
Guys, there is entirely too much mindless testosterone based chest
beating on this thread.
Rick Strikert wrote:
If another WMD attack occurs against the U.S. whether in my
metropolitan area or elsewhere, I would hope that Congress passes
legislation similar to HJR 107-63
(http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c107:H.J.RES.63:). Seriously.
Rick Strickert
Austin, TX
Since this was proposed in the heat of wrath soon after "9/11" and
failed to pass that congress, I would hope it isn't even raised in this
session. This is the classic school playground response to being hurt.
This bill advocated, and evidently Mr Strickert advocates:
Bombing Dublin for IRA attacks in the US
Bombing Ulster for Provost attacks in the US
Bombing Madrid for ETA attacks in the US
Bombing New Delhi for Sikh sepratist attacks in the US
Bombing Rome for Red Brigade attacks in the US
Bombing London for an Islamic extreemist based in the UK for attacks in
the US
Bombing Gaza or Bethlehem for a Palestinian attack in the US
Bombing Jerusalem for a Zionist attack in the US
Bombing Washington, DC for the Murrow building in Oklahoma city?
Bombing who and where for the anthrax spores in Washington, DC?
Having more and bigger bombs gives me no comfort in light of the above
knee jerk reactions advocated by a morally corrupt US government.
Zack Clayton,
Columbus, OH, USA
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