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Re: Preventive health care: "Chronic Radiation- "
This is truely astounding. The population of the U.S.
(270 million) has an exposure of 0.0036 Sv, for a
total of 990,000 person Sv, and we have an cancer rate
of 25%!!!
By control population, do you mean those who live in
Taiwan, or those of the same age who have lived in
similar builings for the same periods of time? As I
am sure you know, there is a difference.
--- Howard Long <hflong@pacbell.net> wrote:
> Barbara and Radsafers,
> "Is Chronic Radiation an Effective Prophylaxis
> Against Cancer?" ChenWC, Luan YC et al, J M Phys
> and Surg, Spring 2004 pp6-10, analizes the amazingly
> low (3% vs control pop) cancer incidence among
> 10,000 Taiwan apartment dwellers exposed for 9-20
> years to av 0.4 Sv (4,000 person-Sv).from Co60 in
> construction steel. See www.aapsonline.org .
> Barbara, "universal health care" is here. I give it.
> Regardless of ability to pay, I give primary care to
> workaholic Mexican restaurant workers, who usually
> pay a small fee to get more than Medicaid supplied.
> If you mean "Universal" to be "Compulsory", beware!.
> Canadians were 70% happy with their system - until
> they had to use it. Now only 20% like it because of
> long waits, impersonal "care", etc. I visited the
> Hernia center in London. I found that a working man
> cannot afford free NHS care. Why wait 6 mo when for
> $1,900 he can have better care and be back at work
> in 2 weeks?
> In health care as in health physics, over-regulation
> stifles benefit. Patient Power, Cato Inst Washington
> DC details the science proving that self-managed
> care (MSAs or Health Savings Accounts effective Jan
> 1 2004) gives superior and thriftier care. Bush
> pushes MSAs, missile defense, terrorist pre-emption,
> and energy independence (read nuclear). However, the
> inertia of bureaucracy supported by the bigger
> government opposition stifles choices - like the
> uranium ore Cameron and I want under our mattresses.
> Howard Long
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: BLHamrick@AOL.COM
> To: NiagaraNet@AOL.COM ;
> radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu ; RuthWeiner@AOL.COM
> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 7:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Thank you Ruth Weiner
> In a message dated 3/26/2004 6:15:59 PM Pacific
> Standard Time, NiagaraNet@AOL.COM writes:
> I suppose to pay these men who made some
> sacrifice by their very proximity to these sites and
> materials, even after the fact, in your opinion, is
> outlandish or somehow wrong. I beg to differ. If
> this makes me a "bleeding heart," I'm only glad I
> reside on this side of the compassion fenceline. I
> sleep at night.
> Technically, I'm a "bleeding heart" on most
> issues...But, I don't "get" this one. What was the
> sacrifice? If there's no definitive connection
> between the work and the disease, then how are these
> people any different than the other half million
> that die of cancer every year?
> You do realize that the primary preventable
> factors contributing to cancer and other chronic
> disease are firsthand smoke, alcohol abuse, poor
> nutrition, lack of physical activity and also a lack
> of access to preventive health care (preventing
> early diagnosis), right? Perhaps the gabillions we
> spend on cleaning up every last atom of whatever is
> the toxin of the day would be better spent on
> providing universal healthcare. I would wager we'd
> save more people in a year than more stringent
> environmental regulation would save in twenty.
> Barbara
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John Jacobus, MS
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