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Love Canal study(ies)

Dr. J. Cohen and RADSAFERS:

Right on with more studies at Love Canal !

My trusty crystal ball says that the good Doctor is correct...actually it's 

one of those Shake-em-up 8-Ball things and it said "yes."

Sorry to see everyone so upset with me once again for making a simple, and I 

thought logical posting. All I was pointing out is that whatever study(ies) 

thus far conducted have not come to a definitive conclusion. 

What should be of interest with the release of these findings is that this 

research is being conducted apparently by NYSDOH, again...Sooo (1). Will their 

own findings corroborate, or, (2). refute previous determinations? IF THERE IS 

A NEED for additional studies, that should say something about the confidence 

in previous work, wouldn't this be correct?


Louis Ricciuti

Niagara Falls - Niagara County

"Before Los Alamos there was the power of falling atoms at Niagara"

PS-AND PLEASE spare me the drone of "there's already too much spent on health 

and research, blah, blah". And please also remember this--Most on this board 

are employed and paid in-one-way-or-another from these human health issues and 

or related research monies. Any argument there?