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NTI: Global Security Newswire - Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Hi all:
Another case of who knows what, based on limited info made available.
Anyone know anything more?
Stewart Farber
Ukrainian Police Recover Radioactive Material
Ukrainian police Sunday discovered three containers holding radioactive
material near the southern city of Odessa, according to the Ukrainian
newspaper Segodnya (see GSN, Aug. 10). The material was found as part of
an investigation into organized crime activity.
The containers are suspected of containing plutonium and strontium, but
further testing is needed before the material can be conclusively
identified, according to Segodnya. The radioactivity level of the material
within the containers is hundreds of times greater than the legal limit,
the newspaper reported. The containers were discovered along with a cache
of weapons including assault rifles and grenade launchers (Oleksandr
Korchynskyy, Segodnya/BBC Monitoring, Aug. 17
<URL: http://www.nti.org/d_newswire/issues/2004_8_18.html >
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