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RE: seeking cinder block background data
On page 6 of NUREG-1501, Table 2.3 lists the NORM content of some building
materials. For concrete block in units of Bq/kg:
U-238(Ra-226) = 41-777
Th-232 = 37-81
K-40 = 285-1147
These values are from "Radiation exposure from building materials" in
Natural Radiation Environment III, USDOE CONF-780422, 1980.
I hope this helps.
The statements and opinions expressed herein are my responsibility; no one
else (certainly not my employer) is responsible, but I still reserve the
right to make mistakes.
Check core temperature: yes./no? Yes! - Homer Simpson
Gerald A. Falo, Ph.D., CHP
Kadix Systems
U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
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