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Re: Cancer Prevention by KCl Radiation in a Non-LNT world?
On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 11:21:25 -0700 (PDT), howard long <hflong@pacbell.net>
> Even now, we can get around LNT based regulation. I just now counted 26
> mR/hr one foot from 3, 40 lb sacks of KCL (water softener salt
> available from Lowes or Home Depot for <$20) in a room otherwise showing
> 13 mR/hr (half the gamma) on my Palmrad. This is about the difference
> between non-exposed nuclear shipyard workers and those exposed to 0.5
> rem (who had less cancer and better longevity).
Hi all:
The units above in the prior note excerpt are undoubtedly typographical
errors and should read 13 micro-R background and a doubling to 26
micro-R/hr one foot from 120 pounds of KCl. A background reading of 13
mR/hr would equal 114 R/year gamma -- not very likely or desirable by any
Even at the center of an infinite volume of KCl the gamma flux would not
equate to much more than a few hundred micro-R/hr.
Stewart Farber
Consulting Scientist
1285 Wood Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06604
[203] 367-0791
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