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Waste fees and funding


Our researchers must list radioactive waste disposal and apparently
some of the other services we provide as separate line items on
their grant requests.  Usually they are listed as "other expenses"
and radioactive waste and film badges are broken out separately.

Here are our current fee schedules.  If and when we are permanently cut
off from Barnwell the waste fees will change.
Effective January 1, 1994  

1)  Personnel monitoring (Film badges) 
 a.  Assigned badges
  Monthly chest beta-gamma-xray  		     $7.00/badge/month   
  Monthly wrist beta-gamma-xray 		      $3.00 badge/month   
  Monthly finger ring dosimeter			      $4.00/ring/month   
  Monthly chest beta-gamma-xray-neutron  	      $7.00/badge/month 

 b.Spare badges
  Spare beta-gamma-xray    			     $21.00 each   
  Spare beta-gamma-xray-neutron  		     $21.00 each 

 c. Special processing       			    $100.00 each 

 d. Delinquent return     			     $12.00 each

2)  Routine monitoring of laboratories     	     $30.00/lab/month 

3)  Leak tests of sealed sources     		     $51.00/test

4)  Package line-item surcharge    		     $24.00/item

5)  Consultation, facility design, review.   	     $51.00/hour   

6)   Monitoring spills & investigating accidents   
 a.  reported immediately (within 1 hour)    	      no charge 
<D> b.  reported late      			     $51.00/hour

7)  Bioassay   
 a. tritium        i				     $20.00/sample   
 b. other isotopes      
  analyzed by Radiation Safety    		     $51.00/hour      
  analyzed by commercial laboratory   		     $23.00/sample+costs 
 c.  Thyroid count for iodine uptake    	    no charge
<D> d.  Surcharge on I-125 above 1 mCi    	     $60.00 
      covers unlimited thyroid bioassays for anyone in group

8) Interlock check      			     $51.00/hour

9) Survey instrument calibration and repair          $45.00 plus parts

10)  Waste 
 a. Surcharge per 55 gallon drum    		     $50.00/drum
        (when brokered directly from the lab)
 b. Illinois radioactive waste fee     		     $22.50 per drum

Waste repackaged for shipment by Radiation Safety
These fees are subject to change with the evolution
of the Barnwell situation.
 c. Radiation Safety Service fiber drum 0.8 cu.ft.  $200.00/fiber drum
            larger fiber drum           1.3 cu. ft. $300.00/fiber drum