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Interesting book to read

    This is NOT an advertisement, but there is an interesting book I read
    recently on tragedies that have resulted from errors in the use of
    modern technology.  There are two detailed stories included that
    involve a radiotherapy overdose in Texas and a criticality accident in
    Idaho.  A number of references to the literature are given with each

    Radsafers can probably find the book in a university or public library.
    It's called  -   Set Phasers on Stun, by Steven Casey.   The book title
    comes out of the radiotherapy story.

    If the author ever decides to write a sequel, he could probably include
    the death last year in Austin from a laser scalpel.


Richard G. Strickert, Ph.D.          |     "Absolutum obsoletum -
Radian Corporation, Austin, TX       |  if it works, it's out of date."
Internet:rick_strickert@radian.com   |            - Stafford Beer
 ---> "All written IMHO." <---       |