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Melissa said:
>> How about uploading files to the net for everyone to use.
>Incidentally, the U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library, in
>conjunction with some commercial software company, supposedly offers
>to the full text of the Code of Federal Regulations on the World Wide Web.
>The URL is:
>However, I should note that for the life of me I can't get anything from
>10 CFR 20 out of this thing. One would imagine that using the boolean
>search string
>standards AND radiation AND protection
>would give a positive hit for SOMETHING from 10 CFR 20, but this was not
>the case. I used "radiation," "protection," and other obvious search
>with no luck. My guess is that they don't have part 20 online.
Some carefully crafted searches on this server returned a lot of references
to 9 CFR.
What the heck is 9 CFR? It seems that the number has been decremented (It
should be 10).
So you can actually search and get some results. Realize that there are a
lot of references
to the "old" Part 20 and no references to the new Part 20.
I sent an email asking for info and just got the canned response.
I think the staff of the House of Representatives have discovered a basic
axiom of the WWW
(maybe we can call this Montgomery's theorem): The amount of effort that
must be expended to
maintain a WWW page is directly proportional to the value and timeliness of
the information
contained therein.
Check out my own example at http://www.brooks.af.mil/AFMOA/afmoa.html
>Melissa Woo | University of Illinois at
>Health Physicist | Environmental Health & Safety Bldg.,
>office phone: | 101 S. Gregory St., Urbana, IL 61801
>m-woo@uiuc.edu | http://www.cso.uiuc.edu/ph/www/m-woo
Noel D. Montgomery, Capt, USAF, BSC
Health Phycist
USAF Radioisotope Committee Secretariat