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Re: Radon
Having just battled through the regs with OSHA on Radon at one of our projects I can help point you in the right direction.
29 CFR 1926.800 Underground Construction references
29 CFR 1926.55 Gasses, dusts Mists etc..
which requires avoidance of exposures exceeding TLVs recommended by
ACGIH in 1971, which references NCRP #twenty something.
The NCRP report on exposure standards is the precursor to NCRP #91
This is effectively what the NRC used for the old MPCs. (4 working
level months per year for occupational exposure same as the new NRC
App B. which lists a DAC of 0.33 working levels. daand an ALI of 4 WLM
for non construction i.e. industry, An OHSA contact, Tim galessie
(I think that was the name)
said the 29 CFR 1910 standards were written with the intent of applying the
old 10 CFR 20 standards as OSHA regs for al materials, not just source
> byproduct or special nuc materials as regulated by NRC.
here again we are to the same answer of 4 WLM/Yr
Hope this helps.
If i can add anything or if anyone knows something
additional please tell me.
Luke McCormick c0etxlim@mrd42.mrd.usace.army.mil
(402) 697-2589
> Hello,
> In the RHH on pg 85 it references Report OPA-86-004 (1986) on Federal
> Guidance on Radon In Homes. It recommends mitagation at a concentration
> of 4pCi/L (0.15 kBq/m3) which corresponds to a concentration of radon
> decay products of about 0.02WLM (4E-7 J/m3).
> My question is, are there seperate requirements for (say a university
> art lab that smelts metal?) industry or commercial type buildings?
> I have not as of yet exhausted my search thru all of my resources, but I
> figured this is a great resource also.
> thanks for any help
> Denny
- References:
- Radon
- From: "Denis J. Rinkacs Jr." <dr4i+@andrew.cmu.edu>