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Re: Military Ship Radar
Dear Radsafers:
The Robinette study indeed contains a great deal of information
about long-term risks associated with use of Naval radar during the
Korean War. The abstract is misleading, reading" No adverse effects
were detected in these indices (deaths by cause, disability, and
hospitalization) that could be attributed to potential microwave
radiation exposure in 1950-1954". Dr. Charlotte Silverman, an
epidemiologist and second author wrote in the Bull. N.Y Acad.Med. vol.55,
1979, "While some significant differences among the occupational groups
classified by level of potential exposure have been found with respect to
all of the endpoints studied, the differences could not be interpreted
as a direct result of microwave exposure."
I have reanalyzed the data in the article myself, prior to seeing
Dr. Silverman's comment, and came to the same conclusion that she did.
The study shows important and significantly positive associations,
and critical associations are all significantly positive, but the exposure
estimates were of potential, not measured, levels, and hence a DIRECT causal
relationship cannot be shown.
John Goldsmith, M.D., Professor of Epidemiology
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
On Mon, 23 Oct 1995, John Moulder wrote:
> --part_ACB11CD300E09FE700000001
> Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
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> > Date: Fri, 20 Oct 95 10:49:07 PDT From: "Randy Ross" <RNROSS@
> > Can anyone give me a report or reference to a report/study done on ship
> > radar? Specifically, the civilian crane operators are concerned about
> > working near the radar from the navy ships (and yes Canada has ships
> > in their navy)at the dock.
> Only specific ship radar study I know of is:
> Robinette et al, Amer J Epidem 112-39-53, 1980.
> --part_ACB11CD300E09FE700000001
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> ------------------------------------
> John Moulder (jmoulder@its.mcw.edu)
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> --part_ACB11CD300E09FE700000001--