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Re[2]: Dose vs Regs cont'd

     The Congress in fact has eliminated all federal speed limits, leaving 
     it up to the state's to set their own limits. Many states have already 
     stated that there will be NO limits on their highways. All this with 
     irrefutable data that speed kills (drugs or vehicles) .. that the 
     death rate due to accidents increased significantly when the speed 
     limits were increased from 55 to 65 mph. Some states have also stated 
     that they will up the limit to 75 mph. Oh, some states are going to 
     eliminate the requirement for motorcycle safety helmets. When will we 
     ever learn?? 
     Sandy Perle
     Supervisor Health Physics
     Florida Power and Light Company
     Nuclear Division
     (407) 694-4219 Office
     (407) 694-3706 Fax
     HomePage: http://www.lookup.com/homepages/54398/home.html

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Subject: Re: Dose vs Regs cont'd
Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at Internet-Mail
Date:    11/30/95 7:40 AM


Safe speed limits?  In the U.S., 55 mph (89 kmph) was chosen not so much as
a safe limit, but a limit to save fuel.  Recently, this national limit was
raised to 65 mph (105 kmph).  Now there is legislation about to go even
further, 75 mph (121 kmph).  One state, Montana, is out to eliminate all
speed limits.  They will drive as they feel fit.  These new standards would
be allowed for interstate highways and not local traffic, obviously.  But,
it seems that this scenario of speed limits vs. linear threshold may no
longer be applicable.  Can we allow exposure to amounts as we feel fit?  Never.