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Re: Radioactive Antiques
Mark --
I'll sell you one of mine for a heck of a lot less(grin)! These are
collectors items that oiccasionally crop in antique stores and usually sell
for $60-120. (Maybe Paul Frame has some information that is better on
this). In any case, take a look at Chapter 1 of Radioactivity in the
Environment (mine) or Merril eisenbud's Environmental Radioactivity. I also
have a little bit about the activity from them in Ch. 1 of Volume 1 of the
Brodsky CRC series.
>While shopping for additions to my Fiestware collection, I ran into a real
>surprise which some of you might be interested in if you too are into
>collecting radioactive antiques. A vendor specializing in old medical
>equipment had a large white ceramic pot which was labelled "Radium Ore
>Revigator, Patd 7-16-12". It was in nearly perfect condition, with only a
>small crack in the lid. The printing on the jar included the following;
> The Radium Ore Revigator Co.
> Revigator Building
> San Francisco, CAL
> 1. Fill jar every night
> 2. Use hydrant or any good water
> 3. Drink freely when thirsty and upon rising and retiring average six
> or more glasses daily
> Scrub with stiff brush and scald monthly.
> It's at times like these I wish I had a monitor with me,'when what to
>my wondering eyes did appear', sitting right next to this jar was a Victoreen
>CDV-700! And it was working! Accurate, probably not, but it responded to its
>check source quite nicely. If the meter reading was accurate, the interior of
>the jar was on the order of 30 mR/hr.
> If your interested in this piece of nostalgia, reminiscent of the
>good old days when the general public actually went out and sought
>radioactive material for its beneficial purposes,(Oh, but if we could only
>convince them now that a little radioactivity might be good for you, but
>things were simpler than, AND A HELL OF A LOT LESS REGULATED! (sorry, just
>venting some frustration), the cost was $225.00. I would have bought it
>myself, but Christmas always leaves me short on cash. By the way, the CDV-700
>was only $90.00. A bargain even at twice the price!
> Anyway, I have the vendors business card and will pass the info on if
>anyone wants it. You can reach me at the locations below. Happy Holidays!
>Mark E. Linsley
>Brookhaven National Laboratory
>email: linsley@bnl.gov
>phone: 516-282-3556