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Re: Coal vs. Nuclear
Even if you ignore greenhouse effect, air pollution from coal burning
does lots of harm to human health--- estimates run in the 10,000 to
50,000 deaths per year range. And then there is acid rain, coal miner
diseases, acid mine drainage, strip mine damage, etc, etc.
On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, ALDEN N TSCHAECHE wrote:
> Agreed. But, the problem is: there may really be no greenhouse effect
> and attendant global warming. A bunch of CO2 MAY not be a problem and
> actually MAY be good for the plants, vegitarian, not nuclear. So - we
> need to be a little careful not to use that argument until we KNOW the
> greenhouse effect will cause problems for the earth. Unless, that is, we
> want to be like the antis and scare people, perhaps unnecessarily,
> about coal plants.
> The same argument may be made about any fossil fueled electric
> generating stations, heating homes with wood, burning gasoline in cars,
> etc. Al.
> *** Reply to note of 12/05/95 14:23
> From: Gary H. Kramer
> Subject: Re: Coal vs. Nuclear
> Greetings
> I have enjoyed following this thread but I haven't seen anything
> mentioned about the difference in carbon dioxide releases between the
> two type of energy production.
> Following the previous note about what should be told to people, perhaps
> it should be pointed out that large amounts of carbon dioxide are going
> to hurt everyone if we keep dumping it in the atmosphere, especially if
> you live on the coast :( So let's convert ALL to coal fired generating
> stations to nuclear!
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | H H M M L Gary H. Kramer |
> | H H MM MM L Head, Human Monitoring Laboratory |
> | H H M M M M L Canadian National Calibration Reference|
> | H H M M M M L Centre for In-Vivo Monitoring |
> | HHHHH M M M L 775 Brookfield Road, Ottawa, Ontario |
> | H H M M L CANADA K1A 1C1 |
> | H H M M L Tel: 613 954 6668; Fax 613 957 1089 |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------