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Re: High Altitiude Exposures
Interesting point, however,
1. There is no licensee involved (the airlines are not licensed)
2. This is all background radiation, and, there are no limits for the
population at large, be it employees or members of the general
public, for natural background, only for exposure was licensed
3. I'd be more interested in the general public maintaining their
exposure received from diagnostic or more importantly from
therapeutic procedures.
Sandy Perle
Supervisor Health Physics
Florida Power and Light Company
Nuclear Division
(407) 694-4219 Office
(407) 694-3706 Fax
HomePage: http://www.lookup.com/homepages/54398/home.html
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A while back, a thread ran on exposures to flight attendants and pilots.
The mean exposures were between 1-3 mSv/year. Hmm...this sounds like
occupational exposure. In the world of DOE, these individuals must be
monitored for exposure because they exceed 100 mrem/year under typical
conditions (10CFR835).
Where is the dosimetry? Where are the exposure records? Navy Nukes are
badged...aren't they?
Matthew Williamson