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Re: Effect of radiation on computers

On Wed, 21 Feb 1996, Robert A. Jones wrote:

> Michael Williamson wrote:
> > 
> > From: Jim Ronback (jronback@direct.ca)
> > 
> > What is the effect of background ionizing radiation on commercial computers?
> > 
> May I suggest that someone do some research on the subject at a research 
> reactor.  As a former worker at Texas A&M's Nuclear Science Center, I 
> think that this would be an excellent study at a TRIGA reactor, at least 
> for nuetron exposure.  

<rest of quote deleted>

This type of research is being done several places around the world.  The 
best source in the literature for information is IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci.  
The US DOE has been funding a research program on Robotics for Hazardous 
Environments for many years now that involves 8(?) universities with one
of the Oak Ridge institutions involved.

Work on rad hard devices has been conducted at the University of Florida 
for some time now.  Prof. James Tulenko, chair of the Nuclear Engineering 
Sciences department (tulenko@ufl.edu) can provide details.

Also see http://zeta.nuceng.ufl.edu/index.htm

Louis H. Iselin, Ph.D.                                            <*>
Assistant Professor of Physics (Health Physics Program)
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Bloomsburg PA  17815-1399                  liselin@planetx.bloomu.edu