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Re: Information-vs-opinions -Reply

I am just getting to reading my e-mail - honeydos have kept me from it for
several days and I have quite a backlog.  In spite of this I am in agreement
with Joyce Dacis adn Marv Goldman.  If one finds a thread that she/he is not
interested in those messages can be dumped and it is no real problem.

>>One of the best features of the human brain is its ability to analyze and
>>synthesize information, sometimes unconsciously, and come up with
>>"opinions" on complex issues.  I think Radsafe is enhanced by the
>>sharing of considered, informed opinions, expressed in temperate
>>language, related to technical issues that are within the Radsafe
>>technical purview or related to the conventions of communication by
>>Listserv.  That implies that ill-considered, uninformed, intemperate, or
>>technically irrelevant opinions, and especially ad hominem arguments,
>>should be expressed (if anywhere) somewhere else, not on Radsafe.
>>That's my opinion.  I hope our discourse will always be courteous (or at
>>least civil).  This is a wonderful resource, and we are all responsible for
>>keeping it that way (My opinion; I hope it is shared)
>>Joyce Davis   joyced@dnfsb.gov
>Your comment is right on and very well said.  Radsafe is more than just a
>technical data base.  We are all responsible to do some thinking as well as
>just measuring.  I hope everyone reads your message.
>Well done.
>Marvin Goldman
Charles C. (Tommy) Thomas
3373 Avenida San Marcos
Santa Fe, NM  87505-9210
Phone/Fax 505-471-9048
e-mail chatho@roadrunner.com or chatho@lanl.gov
Approved by the Boss - M. S. Thomas