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Isotopes from Cal-Rad Co.

I am trying to place an order for iodinated (I-125) Bovine Serum Albumin from:

Cal-Rad Co.
California-Radiochemicals Company
1106 East Walnut Street, Unit A
Santa Ana, CA

Does anyone know if this company is still in business?

If they are in business, can someone provide me with a current phone number?

Second question:  other than ICN or DuPont, does anyone know of other
companies that supply I-125 BSA?

Please respond directly to my e-mail (smileydc@vt.edu)

Douglas C. Smiley                Phone:  (540)231-5364
Radiation Safety Officer         FAX:    (540)231-3944
Virginia Tech                    E-Mail: SMILEYDC@VT.EDU 
Radiation Safety Office
Bldg. 459, Tech Center Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0423