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Re: LNT Debate

 I believe that I can calculate the shape of
>the dose response curve, and therefore demonstrate whether there is a
>threhold, by using a Monte Carlo calculation combined with chi-squared

Please tell me more!! How are you going to use Monte Carlo modelling when we
don't know what to expect at low doses? I don't know much about MC modelling
so I'm probably completely off track but doesn't MC modelling require a
quantitative model on which to base the calculations (eg in photon
transport)?? Can someone please explain.

  Alex Zapantis                                         
  Radiation Safety Officer                                     
  Queensland University of Technology 
  Acting Manager       
  Health & Safety Section                             
  Locked Bag No.2                    Ph     : 61 7 3864 3566
  Red Hill Qld 4059                    fax     : 61 7 3864 3993
  AUSTRALIA                           Email  : a.zapantis@qut.edu.au    

       "If I could remember the names of all those particles
        I would have become a botanist."
                                                            Enrico Fermi
