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Re: He-3 & the Navy

On Mon, 27 May 1996, Milton E. McLain wrote:

> All the comments re H-3 in the submarine propulsion reactors are 
> interesting, but is there not concern over the overwhelming H-3 inventory 
> carried in the missles' thermonuclear warheads?
> Milton McLain

The Navy does perform continuous monitoring for tritium when the 
potential for release from a weapon exists.

DISCLAIMER:  Although I was once in the Navy, I am no longer.  I doubt I 
             spoke for the Navy even when I worked for them.

  * Gary Masters                                 Phone (303) 966-3266 *
  * Radiological Engineering                       Fax (303) 966-8459 *
  * Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site                         *
  * PO Box 464   Building T690A               e-mail gmasters@csn.net *
  * Golden, Colorado 80402-0464          http://www.csn.net/~gmasters *