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Reference Texts for Teachers and Libraries
Supervisor, Radiation Dosimetry & Records
User ID-RUH; Mail Stop-4147; Ext. 6-1973
Another excellent text with historical and educational value was
published by LANL just last year. The title is "Radiation Protection and
the Human radiation Experiments", published as a part of the Los Alamos
Science series (Number 23, 1995). The emphasis is on the plutonium work
conducted at LASL/LANL in the early days, so it has interest from the
historical perspective as well as providing insight into the basis for
the metabolic models used with Pu. In addition, the first 40% of the
book is an excellent primer on Radiation, Cancer, and Risk, covering in
3 sections, (1)Ionizing Radiation, (2)Radiation, Cell Cycle and Cancer,
and (3)Radiation and Risk: A Hard Look at the Data.
It is available from Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS M708, Los
Alamos, MN 87545. Their e-mail address is "lascience@lanl.gov". You
Radsafers would enjoy this as well!!!