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Re: NRC Final Rule: Reporting Requirements for Unauthorized

I too would  appreciate the FRC citation Thank you. Bob McNelly

On Mon, 26 Aug 1996, Thomas Hicks wrote:

>      Could you provide the Federal Register citation for this final rule??
>      Thanks.
>      Tom Hicks
>      Radiation Safety Officer
>      University of Oregon
> ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
> Subject: NRC Final Rule: Reporting Requirements for Unauthorized Use
> Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at GATEWAY
> Date:    08/26/96 09:05 AM
> The NRC has published the Final Rule for the MIT/NIH rule on 
> reporting unauthorized use.  First, they did get rid of the "report 
> anything where you can't rule out there was an intentional exposure".
> However, one point of interest to many users here (especially Broad 
> Scope Licensees) is that intentional mis-use is required to be 
> reported.  The example they use is a researcher performing an 
> experiment when the researcher knew a license amendment OR Radiation 
> Safety Committee approval was necessary.  This is reportable. 
> The gist of the rule is:
> 10CFR20.2207:
>     The licensee shall notify the NRC Operations Center by telephone 
>     as soon as practical but not later than 24 hours after 
>     discovering, developing or receiving information, or receiving an 
>     allegation(!) that:
>     1)  Licensed radioactive material was used intentionally for a 
>         purpose not authorized by the applicable NRC license or 
>         regulations; and
>     2)  Such unauthorized use listed (above) may have caused, or 
>         threatens to cause an expos7ure to an individual, regardless 
>         of whether or not it exceeds the regulaotyr exposure limit as 
>         identified in 20.2202.
> Wes
> ********************************************************************* 
> Wesley M. Dunn, CHP                        512-834-6688
> Deputy Director, Licensing                 512-834-6690 (fax)
> (Texas) Bureau of Radiation Control        wdunn@brc1.tdh.state.tx.us 
> *********************************************************************