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For Academic RSO's
Since I posted this Survey on RADSAFE in March, I have had many (60+) requests
to re-send the info, modify the info, publish results, etc. It seems this topic
is very interesting to those in the Academic community. So, I am performing
the survey again, with just a few additions recommended by responders, to
keep the survey short but useful. Those of you who so graciously took the time
to respond last time, look for the * * * line, to see only added questions. If
you are not the RSO, please forward to that person, or answer if you have the
info. Please note the survey is NOT intended to be comprehensive, but any
additional info you wish to send me will be included in the analysis. ALL
survey is to provide Academic RSOs with information on other institutions and
other persons in your position, and to help me with a challenge at my own
institution. Thank you for your time. Feel free to send to others.
I will conclude the Survey about Oct. 1, perform statistical analyses, and
post a summary on RADSAFE. I may also publish a summary in a relevant
publication. Edit and return this message if you wish. Total: 17 short queries.
Please send all responses directly to my email address:
1. NAME of Institution º
2. Location º
3. PERSONNEL term for position of RSO º
(Director, Manager, Coord., etc.) º
4. Person who RSO reports to (VP, Dir.) º
5. Person who ACTUALLY RUNS Radiation º
Safety Program (RSO, Ass't RSO, etc.)º
6. Level of education of RSO º
7. Level of certification of RSO º
8. Level of edu & cert. of ACTUAL managerº
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
New questions, suggested by you:
9. Number of Authorized Users of Radioactive Materials at your Institutionº
(Authorized User=Sub-Licensee, Principal Investigator, Lab Director) º
10. Number of Film badges used at your institution º
11. Total Budget for Radiation Safety (If known) º
12. Percent of your budget billed to labs or Users º
(A guesstimate here is fine) º
13. Salary of RSO (See note below) º
14. Number of full-time staff in Radiation Safety º
15. Number of part-time staff in Rad Safety º
16. Who collects Radwaste? (Rad Safety, Other Univ.º
office, Private service company?) º
17. Greatest problem you have in dealing with your º
Administration (25 words or less) º
***End of Survey***
If you wish to answer by the numbers, that's fine. If you need a copy of the
previous summary results immediately, let me know. Please DO provide your
salary, because salary data related to size of the program seems to be an
issue near and dear to the hearts of RSOs. Your salary info will be folded
into the summary, and will be kept apart from your other responses.
Thanks for your time. Send to:
John C. White RSO º President, South Texas Chapter
The University of Texas at Austin OEHS º Health Physics Society
304 E. 24th St., SER 202 º Host of the 1997
Austin, TX 78712-1024 º HPS National Conference
(512) 471-2042 º San Antonio June 28-July 3
(512) 471-6918 FAX º Bring your family!
OHJCW@UTXDP.DP.UTEXAS.EDU º http://www.stc-hps.org
Disclaimer: All opinions and information contained herein represent the
posting individual only and do not represent the position or interests of
The University of Texas at Austin or any of its affiliated institutions.