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Re: Gamma Radiography
Admittedly, I'm not an RSO for such a facility, but I've talked to
many of them (or their EHS manager) over the years. As you might
suspect, the answers cover the entire range. However, the bigger
the company (e.g., the petrochemical industry), the more likely
they are to take a strong interest and review. Their basic answer
is: (1) they have an obligation to their employees and visitors; (2)
they have the deep pockets if there is an accident. They view it
prudent to look very closely at outside contractors.
Note, however, that this is not usually deemed as a Radiation Safety
issue (since it is unrelated to their licensed activities), but a
Environmental Health and Safety issue. As such, the burden is
usually spread over a larger department than just the RSO.
> Date sent: Thu, 17 Oct 96 17:25:35 -0500
> Send reply to: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> From: "Llewellyn, Phillip L." <plllewellyn@tva.gov>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
> Subject: Gamma Radiography
> My question is intended for the RSO who has gamma radiography occurring
> at your facility.
> What do you do when the radiographers arrive?
> Do you ask them if you may see their license and then get back and tell
> them to notify you when their through?
> Do you get out your copy of 10 CFR 34 and/or state regulations and check
> them out line by line? This slows them down and may cost you money.
> Do you participate in the zoning, do surveys and over see the whole
> operation? The deeper you get involved the more liability you assume in
> the event of a boundary crossing and potential overexposure.
> If you from a nuclear power facility you have ample personnel to monitor
> radiography but when your radiation safety staff is 2-3 people, what do
> you do? How involved do you get?
> Phillip Llewellyn
> plllewellyn@tva.com
Wesley M. Dunn, CHP 512-834-6688
Deputy Director, Licensing 512-834-6690 (fax)
(Texas) Bureau of Radiation Control wdunn@brc1.tdh.state.tx.us