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Re: NRC Licensing of Am-241

David Scherer wrote:
> snip.....
> transferee.)  Also, if two people gave him the max. exempt quantities of the
> same nuclide (or you did it twice), he would no longer be exempt, and your
> transfer would not comply wth 30.41(b).

Hi Dave and Fellow Radsafers,

I think Dave is wrong on the above point.  In fact, a licensee may
transfer unlimited numbers of single exempt quantities to the same
(unlicnesed) person.  There is no limit on the number of single exempt
quantities a person may receive or accumulate. Implied in this is that a
person may not combine exempt quantities.

See 10 CFR 30.18(a).

Cheers, Wes
Wesley R. Van Pelt, Ph.D., CIH, CHP                   KF2LG
President, Van Pelt Assoc., Inc.      vanpeltw@mail.idt.net
Consulting in radiological health and safety.
"TIME, its what keeps everything from happening at once."