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Re: Cellular Phones and EPDs

On Thu, 24 Oct 1996, Erick Lindstrom wrote:

> Radsafers:
> I just discovered that my Siemens Electronic Personal Dosimeters (EPD-2s)
> are rather sensitive to the electronic and magnetic fields (H field would
> be my guess) emanating from cellular telephones.  One began alarming while
> I was making a call this afternoon (I was three or four feet away from the
> EPD).  I was able to confirm my suspicions by getting the second EPD to

We have seen similar behavior adjacent to some microwave ovens and near
hand-held UHF radios, when transmitting.  The subject microwave ovens were
monitored for excessive microwave emissions with negative results. 

  * Gary Masters                                 Phone (303) 966-3266 *
  * Radiological Engineering                       Fax (303) 966-8459 *
  * Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site                         *
  * PO Box 464   Building T690A               e-mail gmasters@csn.net *
  * Golden, Colorado 80402-0464          http://www.csn.net/~gmasters *