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Dosimetry Vendor Survey
Hello, All!
You may recall some posts from Erick Lindstrom a few weeks ago regarding the quality of dosimetry vendor service, and a talk that I presented at the Big 10 Radiation Safety Officers Conference in September at University of Chicago. Erick and I are collaborating on this and have some excellent data from people who emailed or phoned Erick and from the meeting attendees.
We are seeking more input from licensees who are interested in this topic and are willing to answer a simple questionnaire. We will then put this information together and publish it in RSO magazine, as requested by the editor, Paul Steinmeyer.
We want to assure that our data is quantitatively and qualititatively adequate to present an clear and balanced picture of the dosimetry vendor market as it stands today in the perceptions of the licensees, who are their customers.
Please fill out the following questionnaire and email it to me. It shouldn't take too much time, and we appreciate your input. If you have any questions, please contact me or Erick. (His email is avrel@gemini.oscs.montana.edu) If anyone wants a copy of my talk outline and that initial data, please email me and I will forward it to you.
Thanks very much for your participation in this matter, which affects all of us!
Please complete the following survey form for any vendors you have experience with. All responses are confidential and will neither be shared nor published with licensee names or commenters names. Thanks for your help.
Licensee Type: _____________
Approx. Number of Dosimeter Wearers: ___________________
Vendor Name ________________________________________________
Rank the dosimetry vendor named in your evaluation on a scale of 1-5, described as follows:
1. The worst! Terrible, doesn't do the minimum unless we "sit on them", ignores our problems until we scream. Help, please! Shape up or ship out!!
2. Dismal. Doesn't do the minimum, many problems, not often resolved adequately. Want and need a better vendor or vastly improved service!
3. Mediocre. Does the minimum. Some problems, not all resolved adequately. May or may not switch if a better vendor showed up.
4. Better than the minimum. Satisfied, but a few problems, problems resolved adequately.
5. Great! Well satisfied with the vendor in this area. No problems. Recommend other licensees use this vendor.
Technical Service ________
Information Delivery ________
Record Keeping Accounting ________
Customer Service ________
Badge Re-Reads ________
Problem Resolution ________
Other Comments ________
(Say whatever you want; within reason, that is! <grin>)
Key to Licensee Type Categories
M Large Scale Broad Scope Multinational Corporation
U Large Scale Broad Scope College/University
GL Large Federal Government
GS Agreement State Government
R Power Reactor
MH Medical/Hospital
C Commercial/Biotech
A Accelerator
CC Commercial Consulting
O Other: Please Describe
Kristin Erickson, Radiation Safety Officer
Office of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Safety
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
517 355-5008 Fax 517 353-4871 10525kfb@msu.edu