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Re: Cyclotron/Accelerator Monitoring Information
Dear Sandy,
For personnel neutron dosimetry I would suggest the personnel dosimetry
based on the CR-39 track detector, that has an excellent response down to
200 Kev neutrons.
Sergio Faermann Ph.D. Tel: 972 - 7 -6 400682/6403301
Chief Medical Physicist Fax: 972 - 7 -6 232336
Institute of Oncology E-mail: sergio@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Soroka Medical Center
P.O.B 151 Beer-Sheva 84101
On Sun, 3 Nov 1996, Sandy Perle wrote:
> I am interested in broadening my information knowledge base regarding
> cyclotron/accelerator monitoring issues. I am specifically interested
> in the following:
> 1. Issues / concerns with respect to both personnel and area
> monitoring
> 2. Energy spectra and radiation types to be measured
> 3. Typical exposure levels measured around and within a typical
> facility
> 4. Normal complement of individuals monitored
> My only involvement with this type of monitoring was when I was
> involved with the State of Florida and assessed the medical cyclotron
> located in Miami Beach, FL, but that was back in the 1971-75 time
> frame, and much has changed since then.
> I would appreciate any information and will be happy to call you to
> discuss these questions. Please e-mail me at my address listed below.
> Thanks for your assistance.
> Sandy Perle
> Director, Technical Operations
> ICN Dosimetry Division
> Office: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2306
> Fax: (714) 668-3149
> E-Mail: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com