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> From: "Sue M. Dupre" <dupre@phoenix.princeton.edu>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
> He launched into an explanation of the history of radium dial painting and
> made the statement that "... every one of the girls and women developed
> cancers of the tongue, throat or some other kind of oral cancer!" I
> don't actually know the incidence of oral cancers among that population
> (though I do remember that there's been previous discussion on RADSAFE
> about the limited incidence of BONE cancer amond the dial painters), but
> that sounded very wrong, so I challenged him.
Good! He' s on the wrong end of a typical urban legend.
I got the following from a web search.
radium poisoning ref
3 May 1994
For documentation on the radium poisoning story, see
the following references supplied by Stan Schwarz.
Terry Chan