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USNRC Seeks Public Comment on Strategy
The USNRC requested public comment on the second phase of its critical
evaluation known as strategic assessment and rebaselining of its
regulatory activities.
(Public Affairs Document No. 96-121 September 13, 1996)
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Strategic Assessment and Rebaselining
Initiative is intended to provide a sound foundation for the agency's
direction and decision-making for the rest of this decade and into the next.
A principal outcome of this initiative will be an NRC Strategic Plan.
The Web site (see below) contains the framework document for developing the
strategic plan and a process paper that describes the four phases of this
initiative and how stakeholders can participate in the process. You
will also find a set of key issue papers that are posted here for public
comment. Before reaching final decisions on these issue papers, the
Commission wants to have the benefit of stakeholder views--those who will
be affected by the decisions. Stakeholders are invited to submit their
comments to the Commission by December 2, 1996.
Initiated in September 1995, the planned effort involves four phases.
Phase I - Strategic Assessment
Phase II - Rebaselining and Development of Decision Papers
Phase III - Production of a Strategic Plan
Phase IV - Implementation
The Commission has made three documents available to help the public with
making comments:
1) a stakeholder involvement process paper
2) a set of direction setting papers
3) a strategic planning framework paper
The project information and related papers are available via internet at
December 2, 1996 is Monday...
Bill Pitchford
Quote of the Day: "Participate or don't complain."