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RE: Instrument Calib.

I would also add the caveat that such survey instruments should be 
labeled as "Removed From Service".  


> Date sent:      Tue, 3 Dec 96 12:18:58 -0600
> Send reply to:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> From:           "Jim F. Herrold" <Herrold@UWyo.Edu>
> To:             Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
> Subject:        RE: Instrument Calib.

> In either case, the word "USED" (my emphasis) implies that, if the
> instrument is sitting on the shelf, it doesn't have to be calibrated.
> Once it is taken off the shelf, however, it must be calibrated before it
> can be used.

Wesley M. Dunn, CHP                        512-834-6688
Deputy Director, Licensing                 512-834-6690 (fax)
(Texas) Bureau of Radiation Control        wdunn@brc1.tdh.state.tx.us