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Re: Personnel Monitoring Data Needed
Bob Flood stated the following:
> Also, have you seen Dan Reece's calculations of the angular dependence of
> EDE for photons (published in HPS Journal)? He also calculated deep dose
> for each geometry, and then calculated EDE using the ANSI standard way and
> a few techniques of his own. What he found is far simpler than the ANSI
> standard: if a person will be working in non-uniform fields, supplementing
> the chest badge with a second one on the worker's back was sufficient, with
> EDE calculated from a specific formula using the dose measured by the front
> and back badges. The correlation with EDE over the range of geometries was
> superior to the standard. So how will regulators (and maybe lawyers) react
> to using Dr. Reece's more reasonable approach?
In the medical arena, I find many physicians, specifically those
working in the "Cath Lab" wearing a single collar badge and a
single chest badge worn under the lead apron. A weighting factor is
used and when the dosimetry is worn properly, which isn't always the
case, the EDE assigned is much lower. The process works to reduce the
very high doses the physicans had been receiving when wearing the
collar badge. The question remains, is the weighted factor valid ..
is it representative of the EDE? I am not familiar with the
methodology used to arrive at the equation, which is:
EDE =(1.5*chest badge) + (0.04*collar badge). This works well IF the
chest badge IS under the apron. When not, the EDE is actually much
higher than the higher of the two individual dosimeters. The medical
profession is allowed to use this. This would be very useful IF the
NRC allowed other type radiation workers to use a program similar in
nature. This type of program would make a multibadging program
unnecessary (as we had in the 80s) and be much more manageable.
Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
Office: (800) 548-5100 x2306
Fax: (714) 668-3149
E-Mail: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com
Personal Homepages:
http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1205 (primary)
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