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Containers for Type A

> Does anyone know of a company that sells Industrial Packaging-3
> containers?
     To my knowledge no company sells IP-3 packaging for the same reason
     that no company sells a "complete" DOT 7A Type A packaging.  I know
     that some  companies purport  to sell  Type A packaging,  but those
     that have  come to  my attention  have one  or more deficiencies in
     their documentation;  usually  the  requirement  that  the  surface
     radiation level  not increase  by more  than 20% after the required
     Note  an   IP-3  package   must  meet  all  the  Type  A  packaging
     requirements except  for the liquid absorbent or containment system
     requirements and the increased free drop and penetration tests.
> What could I purchase that would come close to the requirements that I
> could then test to get my required Type A container.  I need  to
> purchase some 55-gallon drums, 30 gallon drums, 5 gallon pails, and
> some boxes.
     DOE has done some of your work for you.  Your best starting place
     is "Test and Evaluation Document for DOT Specification 7A Type A
     Packaging" at http://www.hanford.gov/pss/t&p/dot7a/pdot7a.htm.
     (Note: This web address is case sensitive.)
Roy A. Parker, Ph.D.
Radiation Physics Consultant
Federal Express Corporation
E-Mail: 70472.711@compuserve.com
Tel: 504-924-1473
Fax: 504-924-4269
-------------( Forwarded computer archived letter follows )-------------
    05-Feb-97 19:40 CST
Sb: Containers for Type A
Fm: Eric Boeldt > INTERNET:ejb6@psu.edu
        Does anyone know of a company that sells Industrial Packaging -3
        If nobody sells an IP-3.  What could I purchase that would come
close to the requirements that I could then test to get my required Type A
        I need  to purchase some 55-gallon drums, 30 gallon drums, 5 gallon
pails, and some boxes.
Usual disclaminers apply.
Eric Boeldt     Health Physics Office                   (814)-865-3459
ejb6@psu.edu    228 Academic Projects Building          FAX     (814)-865-7225
                University Park, PA  16802