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use of neutron sources
To LIPTONW@detroitedison.com wrote:
I'd appreciate information from anyone who is familiar with this use of a
neutron source regarding:
what kind of source
expected activity level
special precautions
Please reply thru RADSAFE or directly to me.
Use of neutron sources
a): neutron radiography 100 ug to 10 mg Cf-252
very low Z Non destructive Testing; incorporation light elements and metal,
e.g. aircraft components, turbines blades, valve assemblies
b) neutron capture and activation analysis, for qualitative and quantitative
identification of elements
Am241, Be 40gBq to 4 TBq; Cf-252 1 to 1000 ug
examples, trace analysis to ppm level for forensic science;
Pollution analysis
Measurement of some metal in analysis of ores
Borehole analysis
c) Thermalization of neutrons
Am-241,. Be (1 to 800 GBq)
Cf-252 0.1 ug
Soil moisture measurements
Oil prospecting
d) neutron transmission
Am-241, Be (10 - 40) GBq
Cf-252 (10 ug)
Measurement of boron content of detergents, glass, ...
Bulk element analysis in process control, e.g., water, lithium, boron, cadmium
Weighing of explosives
Radiation Protection:
Shielding and appropropriate safety devices prevent exposure. Handling tools
and suitable transport containers are required to minimize exposure. Before
any handling it is necessary undertaken a radiation dose rate check. Take
special care for oil prospecting. Many density/moisture were abandoned as
well as oil prospecting gauges
Anyhow when you get more details I will be glad to provide you with specific
radiation protection, safety and maintenance instructions.
J.J.Rozental <josrozen@netmedia.net.il>
Consultant on radiation safety & Regulation
for developing country (sometimes also for developed ones')