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Radioactive/EPA Hazardous Liquid Waste -Reply

Dear Carol:

You can read the current draft NRC/EPA guidance on the storage of mixed low level waste at:


Efforts are underway to resolve this issue of "storage for decay" and the RCRA 90 day clock. Let me know if you
have any further questions and I might be of some help.


Carey A. Johnston
Radiation Protection Division
ph: (202) 233 9341   fx: x9650

>>> LENTZC <lentzc@aa.wl.com> 03/06/97 10:07am >>>
Good Morning RadSafers,

Does anyone out there know how the EPA regards mixed waste stored for decay for
more than 90 days? Has the EPA published any notices regarding how their
inspectors will cite mixed waste held for decay?

Carol Lentz
Parke-Davis Pharmaceutical Research