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No Thyroid?

>As an aside, I once had a researcher who performed iodinations, who did not 
>have a thyroid - the perfect radioiodine worker!  Even then, engineering 
>controls and good work practices had to be maintained. 

Actually, I was surprised to hear last week that there was thyroid tissue
throughout the body.  When radioiodine treatment was given to a co-workers
brother for thyroid ablation, apparently, "hot spots" showed up throughout
the body.  The physician indicated that this was actual thyroid tissue.
Sort of like when a woman has the misfortune of developing endometriosis, it
is actual uterus tissue spreading elsewhere in the body.  But in the case of
thyroid tissue, it is more common.  Can anyone elaborate or correct any
misunderstanding I may have had?

Scott O. Schwahn, CHP
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA