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Re: Ion Exchange Columns

> This is a question for the rad analytical community:
>  I'm trying to locate reference methods for using ion exchange columns to
process water samples for gamma spectroscopy analysis.  That is, sending
large volumes (several liters) of water through a column and counting of
the exchange resin.  The only documented reference Iocated so far has been
in a 1963 issue of the Health Physics Journal.  The HASL manual does not
cover this method.  
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> ======================= Gary L. Schroeder Brookhaven National Laboratory
Environmental Protection Office gs1@bnl.gov


Contact  Dr. Geoffrey Eicholz at Georgia Tech, back in the 80's I worked as
a grad assistant for him. We tagged resin columns with isotopes can then
flushed the columns with different "types' of waters (these were deionized
waters that has been stored for long periods of time with earthen materials
like limestone, we were trying to simulate different chemistries of ground
water) and recounted the columns and the water to see if there was transfer
of the rad from the resin to the water. I am sure that at some point all
the work got written up - he probably also has lots of reference materials
associated with work done prior to and since....Dr Eicholz is one of those
fortunate souls who never forgets anything. I don't know his direct number,
but you should be able to get it from Georgia Tech directory assistance
(404) 894-2000.

Good Luck,

Marti Poston-Brown