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Re: Edu outreach tried

 In regard to educational outreach and get up and make that call was 
suggested. Let me respomd.
Each year while my children were growing up I offered to visit their
school and talk about radiation. This was in response to the children
bringing home a form in which help from parents in teaching about
their work was requested. Result, no response at all. When questioned
by  an adult school as to what courses or one night lectures might be 
useful,  I suggested radiation and offered to present the course. Again, no
response or interest. No one else presented the course. When I saw the fire
 chief in my town and talked
to him about handling radiation emergencies especially now that there are many
more trucks in our area,  I offered to speak to his people, again no
interest and no response. I was told something that  hazmat people are trained! And
finally when trying to talk to people about radiation I can see their
lack of interest. You can lead a horse to water but you can  not make
him drink. 

Bob Milwicz