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Re: Thalium Stress Test (fwd)

Ccja@aol.com wrote:
> NUREG/CR-6345, Radiation Dose Estimates for Radiopharmaceuticals, by
> the estimable Mike Stabin et alia, gives a patient EDE estimate of 
> 6.0E-1 rem/mCi for thallium-201 chloride (plus contaminants); as others 
> have indicated, 4 mCi is a typically administered quantity. Note that 
> this estimate is really for a male, since the program they use selects, 
> I believe, the greaterof the two possible values for the gonads (in this 
> case, the difference about a factor of 2), when it computes the EDE.
> chris alston
> ccja@aol.com

How does this relate to 4.7 rem/Ci-hr at 1 cm ?
(And I'm more curious about the actual whole body dose rather than the EDE artifact.)


Regards, Jim Muckerheide