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HP Position in Southern California

Isotope Products Laboratories
1800 N. Keystone Street
Burbank, CA  92504

Job Opening:  Health Physicist

Isotope Products Laboratories, a company specializing in the development,
manufacture and marketing of radiation standards and sources and custom
radiation products for 30 years, has an immediate opening for a health
physicist to function in a four-person health physics organization consisting
of the RSO, a health physicist, and two technicians.  The position requires a
health physics degree, preferably an MS, or a technical degree and several
years responsbile health physics experience.  The position combines
theoretical and practical health physics activities in a small, international
manufacturing facility.  A wide spectrum of health physics activities are
routinely encountered due to the variety of radionuclides handled.  Must be
able to interact effectively with others, and be computer literate.

Contact:  Robert Greger (RSO) at 818/843-7000