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Re: The Health Physics Profession
Okay...I will respond to Jeff Eichorst's comment.
No he is not correct in assuming that the only way a person can learn theory
is by going college. There are exceptional people out there (and I too,
have met them) who taught themselves to succeed where other's have fallen.
Numerous emails were sent to me on their success.
Let's step back a moment and realize what is going on here. When somebody
says something outlandish on the media about radiation/nuclear, we all ask
"what are his/her credentials? or what makes them qualified to say this?"
In today's society, to establish yourself as a credible professional, people
want to see your background--that includes degrees, certifications, work
experience, etc.
Why do you think a lawyer always ask an expert witness to describe their
background? It establishes credibility and competency as a professional
radiation health physicist.
I did not make myself clear on the degree type and that is because I have
worked with a lot of health physicist's, RSO's, RPM's that have degrees in
biology, chemistry, physics, and multidisciplines of engineering that have
mentored me through my decision to step away from making good money as tech
to biting the bullet and earning a degree.
At 05:57 PM 9/11/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Am I correct in my reading of Jason Armstrong's dissertation that the only
>possible way a person can learn theory is by going to a college? Let's say,
>for arguments sake, that I don't have a degree, but I felt certain enough
>that I could study for the CHP exam, take it and pass it. Furthermore,
>let's say I passed the test. Am I still unworthy of being a professional in
>health physics? Is a health physicist the only person in "health physics"
>that can be a "professional"?
>Jeff Eichorst
>Occurrence Investigator
>Los Alamos National Laboratory
>ESH-7, MS K999, Los Alamos, NM 87545
>505.665-6980 505.665-6977 fax
>505.996-1117 digital pager, myself@lanl.gov
>"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth."
> - JFK
Jason Armstrong
Sr. Radiation Physicist
Halliburton Technology Center
PO Drawer 1431, Mail Stop 0454
Duncan, OK 73533
ph: 405-251-2205
fx: 405-251-4664