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The limits in 49 CFR 443, Table 10 are per square cm. The reg states that levels of non-fixed contamination may be determined by wiping an area of 300 cm2. Personnel who are trained to take 100 cm2 wipes, may do so on package surfaces. You must have a sufficient number of wipes in appropriate locations for your application. In order to use Table 10, you would have to calculate the activity per cm2. It was my understanding that these surveys are required for those who offer Class 7 material for shipment, not those who receive it. DOT only has jurisdiction on material in transit. Normally your site specific procedures govern receipt surveys.
Tony Sorensen, RSO
Varian Oncology Systems
From: radsafe[SMTP:radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 1997 9:06 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
As I understand the DOT and NRC regulations, the contamination limits
for receipt surveys of packages are listed "per 300 cm sq". What is
the accepted interpretation of this limit:
a. Does it mean that the surveyor must survey at least 50
cm sq over the 6 sides of a boxed package?
b. Does it mean that the surveyor can survey 100 cm sq and
relate the results to 300 cm sq equivalent?
c. Does it mean that the surveyor can survey 300 cm sq on
the side of the package most likely to indicate contamination?
d. None of the above
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Jim Reese
Health Physicist
Defense Logistics Agency
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