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RE: Industrial Radiography -Reply

The problem in this particular issue (putting a barricade at a 2.5 mR/h
area instead of the mandatory 10 mR/h) is that Canadian regs, in that
particluar matter (industrial radiography) address the problem separatly
from other sources of radiations. Section 18 ask for a 10 mR/h barricade
and posting.... but not 10 mR AT ANY GIVEN HOUR (as I beleive its the
case in 10 CFR34) . 10 mR/h seems very....arbitrary ! Why not 15 mR/h ?
Why not 100 mR/h (for 15 seconds shots), Why not 0.5 mR/h ? Why a
doserate requirment and not a DOSE requirement ?

I'm happy that I no longer have to enforce that difficult issue !

Stephane JF
Merck Frosst Canada
From: Charles Willis
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: RE: Industrial Radiography -Reply
Date:  October 30, 1997 19:05


I just want to second Aaron Chen's recommendation of Steve McGuire's
Safely in Gamma Radiography,"  NUREG/BR-0024.  It was published back in
but quality stands the test of time (with luck).  I believe it is still
available (having
been reprinted several times) from the Superintendent of Documents, US
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 10402.

Charlie Willis