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Re: Radioactive Material Distribution

It makes more sense to us at Baylor College of Medicine to first, ensure
that the PI or user is authorized to possess the RAM and that they have
room on their inventory, BEFORE the order is placed.  This way we can avoid
receiving RAM that we may have to dispose of or return, unused, if the PI
was not authorized to possess it for some reason.  We receive and process
the packages, then deliver the RAM to the authorized users (not in their
original shipping containers).  This process works well for us.

At 05:24 PM 5/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
><fontfamily><param>Times</param><bigger><bigger>At UC Berkeley we
>receive as many as 5,000 packages a year. We have a good working
>agreement with our purchasing department. The process is that vendors
>(and others) are to send ALL radioactive shipments directly to us. We
>receive the package and verify that the authorized user has a permit
>for that isotope, chemical form, amount and that they will not exceed
>their yearly order limit. If all is OK, we survey the box, open it to
>the primary container (some exceptions), and survey for leakage.
>The box is repacked, sealed, and is delivered to the building storeroom
>or directly to the lab (depends on size of the department and if they
>have a central storeroom). The storekeeper delivers to the lab and
>verifies that the "lab" gets the package.
>In the last ten years we have lost one package and that was due (we
>think) to the box being disposed of as trash before the vial was
>So far this system has worked and the users, regulators, and shippers
>have accepted it.
>Paul Lavely
>(510) 643-7976
>>Here is another question for Radiation Safety Officers at reseach
>>institutions. How do you ensure that individuals who pick up
>>material packages from the Radiation Safety Office are authorized?
>That is,
>>how do you know they should receive the material for the Authorized
>>listed on the package? Do you have a list, ID badge, special
>>Robert Casparius, RSO
>>Radiation Safety Office
>>University of Kentucky
>>102 Dimock Animal Pathology Blding
>>Lexington, KY 40506-0076
>>Phone: (606) 323-6777
>>Fax: (606) 323-4752

Arthur Y. Flores 
Office of Environmental Safety
Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, TX  77030
TEL: (713) 798-6628
FAX: (713) 798-5558
E-Mail:  aflores@bcm.tmc.edu

For information on Baylor College of Medicine and the research performed
here, check out our homepage at:  http://www.bcm.tmc.edu