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Brit.Energy poised to buy Three Mile Island
Another nuclear plant for sale:
LONDON, May 10 (Reuters) - British nuclear power generator British
Energy Plc (quote from Yahoo! UK & Ireland: BGY.L) is poised to buy
the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania from U.S. group General
Public Utilities (GPU - news), a newspaper reported on Sunday.
The Observer said British Energy would also buy GPU's other nuclear
reactor at Oyster Creek in New Jersey.
Three Mile Island hit the headlines in 1979 when one of its reactors
overheated after losing cooling water and came close to a meltdown.
Radioactive gases leaked into the atmosphere.
The vehicle for the purchase of the plant would be Amergen, a joint
venture set up last year between British Energy and Peco Energy of
Philadelphia specifically to acquire second hand nuclear stations in
the U.S., the paper said.
It put no value on the deal.
No one at British Energy was immediately available for comment.
British Energy was privatised two years ago and owns eight nuclear
stations in the U.K.
GPU said last month it had begun the process of its electric power
generation business.
Sandy Perle
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