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RE: Revised 10 CFR 835


This is to clarify Mr. Bradleys comment below.  The reference
his lists is for the original 835 Amendment that went out for
comment.  The revised (almost final) amendment is on the
Secretary's desk for signature and should be published in the
Federal Register shortly.  The Department cannot, by law, release
or discuss pre-decisional information.  As soon as the new 835
is released, it will be immediately posted for your information.

Bob Loesch
US Department of Energy

> Subject: Revised 10 CFR 835
> The revised 10 CFR 835 is expected to be published in the Federal =
> Register by 10/1/98.  I do not know what the effective date for =
> implementation is.
> The individual responsible for the revision is Joel Rabovsky, DOE EH-52
> joel.rabovsky@hq.doe.gov
> The revision is posted at
> http://tis-nt.eh.doe.gov/WPPHM/
> Ed Bradley, CHP
> edward.w.bradley@mci2000.com
> Sacramento, CA

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