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There once (late 1970's) was a jeweler
in Dayton, OH who attempted to improve
the quality of his gemstones by using
Am-241. He had in his possession curie
amounts of this radionuclide (the NRC
had issued him a license for this
purpose). When he became dissatisfied
with the results, he convinced the RSO
from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
(WPAFB) to accept his waste (including
the Americium), contained in at least
one 55-gallon drum. This waste was
stored for years in a building at
WPAFB. During a routine survey for
hazardous materials, this unmarked drum
was located and opened, resulting in
widespread contamination inside the
storage building and also contaminating
the survey personnel. Affected
personnel washed off at a nearby Boy
Scout campground, also contaminating
it. The storage building was
eventually encapsulated, demolished and
disposed of. The Boy Scout campground
also required remediation.
Mike McKinnon
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