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Personnel Monitoring Queston

Ladies & Gentlemen,

I am a little concerned how our badg vendor is reporting radiation exposures.
Most of you are aware with the "blended badge" used by the physicians in
radiology.  This allows an equation to be used to assign the individuals
radiation exposure (dose) which is:  0.04(collar badge reading)+ 1.5(body
badge reading). The collar badge is usually worn on the outside of the thyroid
shield and the body badge is worn underneath the lead protective apron.

The vendor is reporting the monthly, quarterly and year to date summaries of
both readings.  The vendor is also reporting the "assigned"exposure (dose) for
the month, quarter, and year to date.  So each physician is provided with
three (3) readings. This appears to be okay.  However prior to this assigned
dose the collar badge reading was the reading of "record".  

The vendor has started a reporting column of the individuals lifetime exposure
(dose) and is adding the "assigned" exposure (dose) to the previous collar
badge readings for the lifetime dose.  This appears to be adding apples and

Can I receive any comments from my colleagues on the use of the equation and
on the addition of collar badge readings to the equation results?

Bob Ryan
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