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RE: Y2K Bug Could Cause Problems At U.S. Nuclear Power Plants
To (roughly) quote Lewis Carroll, "My words
mean exactly what I want them to mean, no
more, no less." We could argue endlessley
about the relationship between the dictionary
definition of liberal and what it means in modern
American, German, or South Yemini politics.
Let's just be thankful this minithread gave
Franz an opportunity to very correctly point
out that
"...the mass media are ... out for profit and
only horror stories guarantee rising numbers
of copies sold. ... I take this comment as
something to remind people, that politics,
economics and science are connected by a
very complicated web. I think it would be good,
if we from time to time thought what our role in
society is - even if we are dedicated to the
scientific and technical side of our job."
This silly debate about political definitions will
be worthwhile if we all take a moment to
ponder Franz's message, and then get back
to the radiation (or, if you prefer, radiological)
aspects of the issue.
Phil "the gadfly" Hypes
Philip Hypes
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Safegaurds Science and Technology Group (NIS 5)
(505) 667-1556 phypes@lanl.gov
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